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What Clients Say

The Customer is Always Right

Ed Deering has provided the design work and architectural blueprints for over 50 of our company's residential remodeling projects. Ed specializes in live, interactive OnlineDesign consultations, utilizing the finest design software available. I've known and worked with Ed for 20 years. Ed's a Pro and his design fees are reasonable. Hire Ed and you will be very pleased. When Ed has a design job to do, he's like a dog on a bone and will gnaw on it until the client is 100% satisfied. David Kramer, 21st Century Building Company

11/02/2019 - David Kramer

It was an excellent experience, we came to Ed with nothing more than pictures of examples of what we wanted our house to look like inside and out. Ed's ability to understand architectural aesthetics is one of the many strengths he posses. Another strength of his understanding of space and functionality of the designs he creates. This calmed our concerns about overly large rooms or spaces that are too small to use. Through the process of design, one thing I really appreciate is his ability to know what he is drawing, along with its feasibility. Ed is one of few in this business who can draw an idea on paper and thoroughly understand how things will work in the field. For these many reasons, I wouldn't have any reservations recommending EF Deering for any job from a bathroom remodel to a new home. You would be hard-pressed to find someone with more technical knowledge of residential construction.

08/17/2019 - Jake Marsh

Great! Really enjoyed the numerous times we were able to collaborate online. Also really appreciated being able to have our interior designer also join the calls. As a result of the collaboration I am confident that we ended up with a better plan/design. It was great to work with Ed and I would highly recommend him.

03/29/2021 - Len Williams

Construction Crane

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